Sunday, August 26, 2012

When Life Gives You Lemons...

You know what they say right? When life gives you lemons... make lasagna. Life gave me lemons alright, still is handing them out every day as if they grew on trees and shoving them down my throat! But that doesn't mean I can't have lasagna.

I don't make lasagna myself no, I gave up cooking and baking as a hobby ages ago. But my sis does and uff is she good at it! So when life gives you lemons, ask your sis to make you lasagna. It may not solve all your problems but those 20 minutes you spend devouring that cheesy goodness will work its way to your heart n brain and clog them up for some well deserved numbness. The only peace some people can experience anymore


Anonymous said...

MashAllah..... awesome sis and awesome cooking......


Anonymous said...

lolz forgot to write.. awesome photography????
