Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thyme or Something Like That

Note - I dug this out from my drafts... Started working on it but then just died and decided to post it as is in this reincarnation as a slightly older, hairier and brooding version of myself. For all I know, and it still being in existence, "Once upon a thyme" may be a really great place to dine... Hmm will try it out and update everybody soon.

"Once upon a thyme" will soon be known as "Once upon a time" (bet you didn't see that pun coming) if they don't get their act together soon... no wait scratch that.

My pockets aren't as deep as they used to be, partially because I've stopped wearing baggy jeans... urgh no no no!

Ever had one of those days when you decide to write a blog post after a hiatus of about a year or something that of course after snapping a really good picture of a sugar sachet

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